
danganlog by カロチン | Pixiv ID 1005057

Authorized reprint

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It’s messed up how they parked this kid in the same exact building where he, you know, participated in a slaughter house with 14 other situationally batshit children.

I was listening to the Requiem for a Dream OST and was instantly reminded of this boy. Listen to Meltdown and Lux Aeterna (not the one with the lady singer because that isn’t the original song) in that order and tell me it doesn’t scream chaos and utter despair. Junko would be proud.

Credit goes to the DR animators for the bloody room.





In the end I didn’t do what I wanted to do so I did this instead–

Looks like tumblr can’t make these look ok/work properly so open them in a new tab–

Redrawing old doodles #052